
What’s the Best Bike for Back and Neck Pain?

What's the Best Bike for Back and Neck Pain

According to Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute, approximately 65 million Americans have recently experienced back pain. Practical Pain Management found that neck pain was also prevalent. 20%-70% of adults will live with neck pain severe enough to impact their everyday activities. Many Americans wake up with back pain almost every day.  If you live with […]

Is Walking Good for Sciatica?

is walking good for sciatica

What starts as a slight aching pain in your lower back and spine can lead to a medical condition called sciatica. Sciatica occurs when the nerves of your spine are compressed by a herniated disk, bone spur, or spinal stenosis; this can cause inflammation and eventually pain in the spinal area. Sciatica usually starts with […]

How to Relieve Hip Pain? Some At-Home Tips

how to relieve hip pain

Hip pain can be extremely uncomfortable to live with and is often caused by an underlying condition like arthritis. If you’ve been living with hip pain for a prolonged period of time, it may be time to consider other treatment options to reduce discomfort. Here are a few basic at-home stretches for some pain relief […]

Neck Pain from Sleeping – Tips for Relief

neck pain from sleeping

There are a lot of strenuous activities that can produce unwanted aches and pains. However, a common source of neck pain comes from a traditionally relaxing activity: sleep. Yes, neck pain from sleeping is quite common. If you often wake up with neck pain, you know how much of a nuisance it can be. Even […]

Sciatica Stretches – Tips for At-Home Relief

sciatics stretches

Sciatica is a nerve condition that causes pain to radiate down the lower back and one or both legs. It can be difficult to manage, but several at-home sciatica stretches can be done to relax the sciatic nerve and reduce pain. If you live with sciatica and OTC pain relievers fail to work as well […]

Is Swimming Good for Back Pain?

is swimming good for back pain

Warmer temperatures are here, and New England residents are heading outside to enjoy outdoor activities. Many of our patients wonder what physical activities are safe when living with back pain. Activities such as jogging, hiking, or tennis are strenuous on your back. Instead, consider swimming. Swimming is refreshing, fun, and timeless, but it can also […]

Do Tall People Have More Back Problems?

do tall people have more back problems

Back pain is one of the most commonly reported types of irritation. If you regularly experience back pain, you probably already know a few common ways to prevent it. You can practice better posture, stand up straight as you move, and ensure that you’re sitting in your chair correctly when you work.  However, what if […]

Why My Back Hurts – The Common Causes of Back Pain

why my back hurts

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), back pain is a leading cause of disability; it is also one of the most common reasons for missing work. Four out of five people experience lower back pain during their lifetime. Sometimes you can avoid back pain by taking precautions such as lifting […]

What Causes Sciatica to Flare-Up?

what causes sciatica to flare-up

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain along the vertebrae, and this can occur from inflammation, injury, or compression. Here’s what causes sciatica to flare up, how to prevent it, and why you should consider chiropractic treatment for pain relief! What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a condition where pain shoots down the leg from the […]

Can Chiropractic Care Help With Arthritis?

Can Chiropractic Care Help With Arthritis

Living with arthritis can be painful, life-changing, and difficult to manage. Every patient is different, especially if they have a completely different form of arthritis. However, chiropractic care may be able to help. Chiropractors will never approach your treatment in an overwhelming or aggravating manner but rather work with you to find the best combinations […]