How Do You Know If Acupuncture is Working?

how do you know if acupuncture is working

If you’ve never scheduled an acupuncture appointment, you likely have many questions about the procedure. This Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been scientifically proven to help various chronic health conditions. However, some people don’t notice an immediate improvement after their first session. So, how do you know if acupuncture is working for you? This piece will cover some details about acupuncture and the measurable results it can yield. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient, traditional Chinese medical practice. The most commonly practiced body acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into the skin to promote blood flow, healing, and energy stimulation; this practice is sometimes supported through specific movements of the acupuncturists’ hands and electrical stimulation. 

The goal of acupuncture is to relieve pain or certain symptoms of health conditions. Scientific studies have proven its effectiveness for specific conditions like sciatica, osteoarthritis, and headaches. 

How Does it Work? 

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners believe that acupuncture opens up pathways of energy throughout the body, otherwise known as Qi (pronounced as “chee”). They believe the human body consists of 2,000 acupuncture points; these pathways promote health and wellbeing. When these pathways are blocked, they contribute to pain and illness. When needles are inserted into these affected areas, it stimulates the body to initiate healing.

The process itself shouldn’t be painful. You may feel a slight prick as the needles are inserted, but it shouldn’t feel like an injection. If anything, sensations of numbness or deep heaviness are usually positive signs that treatment is working. Some people feel a little pressure or aches upon insertion of the needles, but this should be mild. Granted, acupuncture may not be suitable for everyone. It’s always wise to speak with your primary care provider before treatment and work with a licensed, trained acupuncturist. 

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How Do You Know If Treatment’s Working?

Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to help certain chronic conditions, symptoms, and injuries; acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nervous system to help release chemicals that naturally heal the body. However, the effectiveness of acupuncture will depend on your condition and the severity of its symptoms. 

Acupuncture alone may be able to help, or you might have to use it alongside other treatment methods. Even so, it’s important to be patient with the process and schedule several appointments to notice results.

On average, It takes at least 3-5 acupuncture sessions to start noticing improvements, but everyone’s body reacts differently, and the relief timeline may be quicker or slower than average. Your trained acupuncturist will tell you what signs to watch out for to indicate you’re on the road to relief.

If you’re exploring treatment options for certain chronic conditions, consider meeting with our licensed acupuncturist at Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center. 

Contact us to schedule your acupuncture appointment today!