Acupuncture For Sciatica and Back Pain

acupuncture for sciatica

Back pain is one of the most debilitating conditions that millions of Americans suffer from each year. 

It is estimated that lower-back pain accounts for at least 50 billion dollars in America’s healthcare costs each year. Not to mention the lost wages and decreased productivity that debilitating back pain is responsible for as well. 

There’s no way around it: back pain is a really big problem in the United States and worldwide. Whether it’s sciatica or more generalized back pain, it’s frustrating and immobilizing for anyone to have to deal with nagging chronic pain every day.  

We’ve discussed how there are ways to mitigate the circumstances that lead to back pain issues. Many people think they can simply purchase a premium state-of-the-art office chair and their back issues and sciatica pain will magically fix itself. 

A chair, though, will not fix the problem by itself. There’s no silver bullet solution for back pain, and that’s why it’s important to take a multi-faceted approach to relieve persistent back pain.

Stretching, taking intermittent walks, core exercises, and chiropractic adjustments are some of the core proactive measures anyone can take to combat sciatica and back pain. 

But, there is another wellness treatment that doesn’t involve surgery or addictive painkillers.

Acupuncture, yes, acupuncture for sciatica and back pain, is an innovative and highly recommended treatment option. Some people suffering from chronic back pain may not be aware that this other holistic healing treatment is available. 

People who desperately search for healing miracles through fancy office chairs or “As Seen On TV” pain relief products are much better served by visiting their local wellness center and learning more about how acupuncture works

Let’s look at how acupuncture for sciatica and back pain works.

What Is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body. It begins at the base of the back in the lumbar region of the spine. The nerve travels down through the buttocks, legs, and feet. This massive nerve comprises many smaller nerves and can be irritated or damaged for several reasons. 

The term sciatica doesn’t refer to a particular disease or condition but encompasses a wide range of symptoms in the sciatic nerve’s affected range. Sciatica could be sharp electric pain running through the lower back/buttocks or numbness in the ankle or foot. 

Any damage or irritation of the large nerve can create sciatica symptoms. Everyone’s sciatica pains and symptoms are different.

One of the most common conditions that cause sciatic pain is herniated or collapsed discs in the lower back. If a disc is herniated, the nerves running through the disc can become pinched, causing pain to run down the entire leg. 

Sciatica has unfortunately affected lots of Americans since the migration to work from home practices. A sedentary lifestyle in front of a computer generates the exact condition(s) needed to create sciatica issues. 

Chiropractic treatment can also be helpful for back pain.
Learn more about the conditions we can help treat here.

How Does Acupuncture For Sciatica and Back Pain Help?

As a complementary, holistic medicine, acupuncture is highly effective at relieving sciatica and back pain by stimulating cellular activity in the affected areas, promoting healing, and supporting the muscles’ detoxification. 

A certified professional acupuncturist will provide treatment to:

  • Stimulate the nerves located in the muscles and tissues around the body to release endorphins are other naturally occurring chemicals in the brain to change the way pain is processed
  • Reduce the inflammation near the affected areas experiencing sciatica pain
  • Improve mobility in the affected areas and increase blood flow to promote faster healing
  • Cause change and altered blood flow to the sciatic nerve 
  • Promote regeneration and detoxification in the sciatic nerve
  • Increase levels of serotonin to reduce the amount of pain and promote nerve repair

Acupuncture for sciatica pain is common within any reputable acupuncture clinic. Along with other prescribed treatments, acupuncture for sciatica is a trusted and results-driven treatment!

Sciatica and other back pain types are truly debilitating conditions that no one should ever suffer from needlessly. Thankfully, the knowledge, tools, and strategies exist to help relieve these crippling pains. 

To learn more about our wellness center acupuncture treatment, please contact us here.