Alongside chiropractic adjustments and FAKTR treatments, Dr. Scott Rosner uses various chiropractic therapeutic modalities to enhance and speed up recovery.
As opposed to therapeutic procedures, modalities focus on using some sort of physical agent that can be applied to the patient and/or the symptomatic area in order to produce physical changes, symptom relief, and overall recovery.
Some of the common therapeutic modalities used by Dr. Scott Rosner at his Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center include:
Therapeutic Ultrasound: Therapeutic modalities for chiropractic care involve using heat waves that can penetrate into your joints and soft tissues. This helps to reduce inflammation and stiffness while promoting blood flow to the area to help speed up recovery. This can be used to treat back pain, neck pain, injuries, and other conditions that cause muscle spasms, tightness, and/or pain.

Ice Therapy: Also sometimes referred to as cryotherapy, applying ice packs or other ice therapy treatments helps to numb the area that’s in pain. This is often paired with heating pads following the application of ice therapy, leading to a feeling of overall pain relief, decreased inflammation, and increased blood flow that can help speed up recovery in the area.
Active Rehab Exercises: Dr. Scott will work with you to give you exercises that will stretch and strengthen specific areas of the body including your back and core. Strengthening these areas with proper exercise can avoid injury and pain from overcompensation and reduce strain in certain areas.
Lifestyle Changes: Alongside rehabilitation exercises tailored to your condition and needs, Dr. Scott will evaluate your lifestyle as a whole, taking into account your work, hobbies, sports, underlying conditions, fitness routine, diet, and more. He’ll then sit with you and give you key adjustments and changes that can greatly affect and improve your recovery and pain relief in the long run.
These in-office modalities can (and should!) transfer to your life outside the office as well.
Contact us today to set up an initial consultation appointment.