If you’ve heard about acupuncture, you probably understand the basic concepts of the treatment. Still, for a quick reminder, acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into certain parts of the body, addressing pain, lessening stress, and boosting your body’s existing recovery processes. You’ve probably seen practitioners perform acupuncture on the back or shoulders. However, you might be surprised to hear that ear acupuncture (auricular) is common and extremely beneficial.
Let’s review what ear acupuncture is, including its process and benefits.
What Is Ear Acupuncture?
Ear acupuncture is a procedure known by professionals as auricular acupuncture. While the thought of needles in or around your ears or scalp might make you cringe, ear acupuncture has many proven benefits. The procedure is performed in acupuncture offices all around the world and has been for centuries.
Is Ear Acupuncture Safe?
When performed by a safe and knowledgeable acupuncturist, ear acupuncture is completely safe. You should not feel pain during auricular acupuncture, and your practitioner should use sterile needles.
You should never receive acupuncture from anyone other than a trained, experienced professional, as at-home acupuncture risks discomfort, wounds, or infection.
What Are The Benefits of Auricular Acupuncture?
There are several benefits to auricular acupuncture that science has already explored.
Recent studies have suggested that auricular acupuncture may help mental and physiological struggles like insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Other studies have expanded upon ear acupuncture’s benefits even further, suggesting that it could relieve pain during the middle of an emergency or help treat the negative effects of trauma.
Research on acupuncture is happening more every year. Researchers are learning more about how the ancient procedure benefits the body. When performed by an experienced, licensed acupuncturist, acupuncture has few risks. Many patients have found great success treating their symptoms with auricular acupuncture.
If you’re dealing with stress or pain, learn how auricular acupuncture can improve your quality of life.
Book a consultation at Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center to learn how acupuncture can benefit you.