Can Massage Help A Pinched Nerve?

Can Massage Help A Pinched Nerve

Ask anyone who has experienced it; a pinched nerve can be painful! While there are many remedies for the condition, including rest and stretching, some wonder if massage therapy is an effective and safe way to experience relief from the discomfort associated with pinched nerves. 

Keep reading to learn more about pinched nerves, how they happen, and whether massage is an effective treatment for pinched nerve pain. 

What is a Pinched Nerve?

A pinched nerve is a compressed nerve, meaning more pressure is on it than normal. Since the nerve is compressed, its functions of sending and receiving information are limited. Pinched nerves can occur in multiple places in the body. However, they are most common in the neck, back, hand, and wrist. A pinched nerve is under duress, resulting in sharp, shooting, electric pain or even loss of feeling. 

How Does a Pinched Nerve Happen?

Pinched nerves result from nearby tissues putting unusual pressure on the affected area, and various factors and conditions can cause this. For example, pinched nerves in the neck or back are common since a herniated disc can slip, putting pressure on the spinal cord. In the wrist, pinched nerves can be a result of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Pinched nerves cause feelings of tingling and pain that can be uncomfortable. With movement, nerves come into contact with other internal parts of the body. Therefore, when a nerve is pinched, movement can cause pain or discomfort in the affected area. 

Can Massage Help a Pinched Nerve?

So, can massage help a pinched nerve? Yes, massage can help a pinched nerve – to a degree. Massage relieves pain associated with pinched nerves and takes some pressure off the affected area. Even so, it’s important to understand that massage won’t “cure” a pinched nerve but rather alleviate the symptoms and help to relax the tissues constraining the nerve. 

While it’s always best to check with your physician to confirm, massage is generally a safe and effective method for relieving pain from pinched nerves.

Get a Massage to Help with Pinched Nerves

Pinched nerves can be a real pain (pun intended). If you are experiencing a pinched nerve, massages are a great way to help reduce pain and other symptoms. 

Weymouth Chiropractic has certified experts who can provide a relaxing massage to reduce pain and inflammation. 

Are you looking for a professional massage in Weymouth? Contact us to book your massage appointment today!

If you enjoyed this article, please read our accompanying piece, “Can a Chiropractor Help With a Pinched Nerve?”