We want our clients not only to find relief and comfort in our office when receiving acupuncture treatments but also to aid themselves while at home. That is why we will often custom-tailor at-home recommended treatments for our patients.
Self-acupressure is an at-home treatment that patients can practice at their convenience or when their symptoms become unforgettable, painful, and need immediate addressing.
Our experienced in-house acupuncturist, Jessica Grace Redfern MAOM, Lic. Ac will work with patients to teach them techniques and skills to do self-acupressure treatments at home. Acupressure is best effective when used to reinforce acupuncture treatments that happen in-office.
Acupressure and self-acupressure are non-insertive acupuncture treatments that activate the acupoints on the meridians of the body. By activating these points with simple pressure from the hands and fingers, energy can be moved and balanced. This Traditional Chinese Medicine massage technique promotes healing in localized areas of pain and discomfort.
Self-acupressure treatment is often prescribed to help with symptoms such as:
Self-acupressure is highly-beneficial for patients because it trains the acupoints on the body to receive signals multiple times a week, not only when a patient is in the office. Activating the acupoints on the body routinely helps them respond more effectively and quicker. Patients can feel confident that they are not powerless to relieve their symptoms, and their body will respond to self-administered treatment when they need it most!
To learn more about Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center’s acupuncture services and self-acupressure treatment programs, please contact Jessica!