Body acupuncture is one of the oldest known pain treatment practices in the world. Body acupuncture is a foundational component of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It has evolved into a trusted and results-driven treatment for body pains and emotional imbalances in wellness centers all over the world.
Today, professional acupuncturists spend years studying the acupoints and meridians within the human body. Acupoints are areas on the body surface that can either be infused with or diffused of stimulating energy. By inserting small needles into these points, energy is shifted and released, supporting faster healing and long-term health. There are non-insertive techniques used as well to access the body’s acupoints.
Body healing through acupuncture begins with the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals, locally, where patients are feeling the most pain. Aside from providing pain relief at the site of entry, this process stimulates the nervous system, helping with blood flow throughout the entire body. Body acupuncture is a root treatment, meaning it works to get the body back into balance so that other orthopedic treatments can be layered in to aid with relieving specific pains.
Body acupuncture is used to help patients suffering from:
- Back pain
- Hip pain
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Stress and Anxiety
- Neck Pain
- Tension Headaches and Migraines
- Depression
- Athletic pains & conditions
Our in-house acupuncturist, Jessica Grace Redfern MAOM, Lic. Ac is not only experienced in the Japanese and Chinese styles of acupuncture but she fell in love with the ancient practice after experiencing its healing power for herself. Now, Jessica is committed to using the power and strategies of acupuncture to heal patients suffering from long-term chronic conditions.
Jessica will conduct a thorough exam during the first intake visit for any patient. From there Jessica will customize acupuncture treatments best suited to provide target and effective pain relief for her patients.
To learn more about Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center’s acupuncture services, please contact Jessica!