Non-Insertive Acupuncture

Usually, most people think of needles when they think of acupuncture treatment. But, not all acupuncture practices and therapies involve needles. These are called non-insertive acupuncture therapies, and our wellness center can provide them.

Our in-house acupuncturist, Jessica Grace Redfern MAOM, Lic. Ac is experienced in various non-insertive acupuncture treatments. These include acupressure therapy, magnetic therapy, cupping, Tui na, and Gua Sha. 

These treatments are great for patients with an aversion to needles, but also each treatment has a unique and effective methodology to heal and detoxify the body. 

Tui Na

acupressure therapy

This is a form of hands-on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that focuses on the “pinch and pull” body massage technique. Tui na is often used to treat superficial injury and musculoskeletal issues. Tui na is a popular treatment for young children and even babies. Tui is renowned for its ability to treat nagging neck pain and migraines.

During Tui Na, the acupuncturist will roll, brush, or knead areas between meridians. These motions will open up the body’s defensive barriers and realign energy with the muscles and joints.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is also a TCM massage therapy, but it involves a tool called a Gua massage tool. The Gua tool is rubbed down the patient’s body to reduce inflammation and promote chronic pain relief. 

When the Gua tool rubs down the body, the unhealthy bodily matter is broken up from deep within sore and stiff muscle tissue. New blood flow is promoted to the affected area, which stimulates oxygenated cellular repair. This therapy results in a reduction of chronic pain and quicker healing to injured areas of the body.

Acupressure Therapy

It works with the same guiding principles as acupuncture. A therapist will apply pressure to acupoints to move energy along the meridians of our bodies. This act promotes healing and the balancing of the body’s energy. 

Acupressure can be taught to patients so that exercises can be performed at home. An example would be sleep acupressure exercises for patients before bed to help relieve anxiety for a good night’s sleep.


This ancient treatment has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries. Cups create a vacuum seal around acupoints on the patient’s body. The skin rises, and the blood vessels expand, and healing is promoted.

Cupping helps to shift stagnant blood, improve circulation, and move energy throughout the body. Cupping helps with pain, inflammation, and blood flow issues, and it is commonly practiced around the world today.

Magnetic Therapy

With Magnetic Therapy, magnets of various shapes and sizes are used to activate the body’s energy field and align ions that have become dislocated. By exposing acupoints on the human body to magnetic fields, the energy that is out of balance at those points can be realigned.

Magnetic therapy is effective at relieving muscle pain like arthritis, back pain, and post-polio syndrome. Magnetic therapy is a choice treatment to layer in with other acupuncture treatments for patients suffering from chronic pain.

To learn more about Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center’s non-insertive acupuncture services, please contact Jessica!