Acupuncture While Pregnant – Is It Safe?

Acupuncture while pregnant

Acupuncture is a treatment that utilizes needles at strategic points of the body to trigger responses in an effort to minimize pain(s) and aid in emotional/spiritual health.

Acupuncture can benefit pregnant women, as the treatments may quell uncomfortable aches and pains expected throughout pregnancy. Women have been receiving acupuncture treatment while pregnant for thousands of years, but it’s understandable to question whether or not it’s safe. 

A common question acupuncturists hear is, “is it safe to receive acupuncture while pregnant?” In this article, we’ll cover the safety concerns of acupuncture during pregnancy and what cautionary measures are advisable to minimize any risks. 

Why Receive Acupuncture While Pregnant?

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specialized points on the body to help reduce pain, stress, and even depression. The needles activate nervous system responses, releasing endorphins and subsequently reducing pain.

Acupuncture can help with pregnancy-related symptoms like morning sickness, depression, and back pain. Acupuncture has also been known to help expecting parents mentally and physically prepare for the challenges of labor and delivery.

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Is it Safe to Receive Acupuncture While Pregnant?

Research on this topic shows that pregnant people can receive acupuncture during all three trimesters. The risks of acupuncture for expecting mothers tend to be minor and include symptoms like redness, soreness, and headaches. It is very unlikely that acupuncture could result in serious harm to an expecting mother or baby.

What Precautions Should You Take with Acupuncture While Pregnant?

While acupuncture is safe, according to current research, there are some needle points to avoid when pregnant. For example, insertion points around the lungs, bladder, and lower stomach should be avoided by pregnant people; these points can unintentionally induce early contractions. 

Never go to a non-professional or non-licensed acupunctural therapist. Acupuncturists go through years of schooling and training to ensure they won’t cause patient harm. So, be sure to source a reputable acupuncture clinic in your area. Even though acupuncture is considered safe by the medical community, it is always best to consult your doctor before getting this treatment. 

Reduce Pain with Acupuncture

Acupuncture can effectively relieve bodily pain, stress, tension, and anxiety during pregnancy. While it is agreed that more research is needed around this topic, most doctors consider this a safe treatment to get when pregnant. 

If you’re looking for acupuncture treatment in Weymouth, please contact us to schedule an appointment today.