Acupuncture and Chiropractic: Treatments that Work in Harmony

acupuncture and chiropractic

Acupuncture and Chiropractic care are very different treatments with just as different origin stories. These two treatments look at injuries and stresses of the body and heal those issues in ways that may not seem compatible. Yet you may be surprised to know that using acupuncture and chiropractic care together can be a viable treatment route for many people. 

Though the two treatments are very different, they are both natural treatments that are non-invasive and don’t require western medicine to promote whole-body health. 

At Weymouth Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we work to create programs that use different types of natural treatments to work towards a common goal of pain-free living and quick healing from injury for our patients.

Chiropractic Care 

Chiropractic care is the readjustment and realignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure. A chiropractor may bend and twist different parts of the body to relieve pain in the muscles, joints, and bones. It is a useful treatment for anyone that holds a lot of tension in their body, has been in incidences that caused un-alignment, or has chronic back pain. 

Whether a patient will benefit most from chiropractic adjustments, FAKTR, or other therapies such as ultrasound or ice therapy, all treatments are working towards providing our patients with a better quality of life.

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Acupuncture doesn’t manipulate parts of the body but instead inserts very thin needles into the skin. This is a traditional treatment to treat pain, stress, and overall health. Acupuncture uses the body’s meridian, which is the flow of energy or qi throughout the body. If this energy is not released and is built up in the body, it may cause higher stress and tension in the body. 

The thin acupuncture needles disturb the stagnant energy and help it move throughout the body. Acupuncture is a useful treatment for those with chronic lower back pain, arthritis, seasonal allergies, or even the common cold. 

We were delighted to add  Jessica Grace Redfern MAOM, Lic. Ac, to our staff to offer in-house services for acupuncture on the south shore of MA.

Working In Harmony 

As shown, acupuncture and chiropractic care have two very different methods of healing, but that does not mean they have to be looked at in a vacuum. The two treatments can work together for an overall healthier body. Acupuncture promotes blood flow throughout the body and releases endorphins, because of this, the body releases tension. If regular chiropractic treatments do not give enough pain relief, acupuncture in between appointments can help. 

Acupuncture’s release of endorphins and improvement in blood flow also has a positive effect on chiropractic treatments. When the body is more relaxed, it can make it easier for the chiropractor to manipulate the body and re-align the body’s structure. This will improve the effects of chiropractic care and help the adjustments last longer. 

When these two treatments work together over a long period of time, it can bring faster healing with less inflammation and more pain relief. These two treatments in harmony can bring overall health to the body, without invasive methods or medicines.

If you have any questions regarding acupuncture and chiropractic services, please contact Dr.Jessica Rosner, Dr. Scott Rosner, and Jessica Grace Redfern MAOM, Lic. Ac.!