3 Chiropractic Adjustment Benefits You May Not Be Aware Of

chiropractic adjustment benefits

People who have never visited a chiropractic office or had chiropractic treatment tend to think the only benefits of chiropractic adjustment affect only the back – this is not the case! Sure, chiropractors tend to focus on the spinal column, but this does not mean chiropractic adjustments are only good for back pain and back issues.

This article will discuss some of the chiropractic adjustment benefits that are lesser-known but sought out by patients looking for relief. 

Promote Healthier Digestion

The body is comprised of interconnected systems, and when these systems are not adequately functioning and in alignment with one another, daily routines like digestion can be negatively affected. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects an estimated 25-45 million people in the United States each year. Along with other digestive problems like constipation and heartburn, many people suffer from daily digestive pains and irritations. 

These digestive problems are often linked to, or exacerbated by, inflammation and high levels of stress. Stress is often accompanied by poor eating habits a sedentary lifestyle. These problems are all linked and sadly create a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. 

A chiropractor can provide spinal manipulations/adjustments to promote healthier digestion and soft tissue therapies to help alleviate bodily inflammations. These treatments and some guidance on exercise and eating habits can drastically improve a patient’s digestive health without medications. 

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Improve Posture

It’s been understood how good posture improves many aspects of our body’s overall health. Today, many lifestyle choices and workspace habits contribute to poor posture and spine alignment in many Americans.

Most of us find ourselves consciously and unconsciously with our heads drooped down, shoulders hunched, staring at our phones or laptop computers. It doesn’t take an expert to realize that this is terrible posture, and bad habits like these can contribute to pains, stiffness, and the dreaded “tech neck.”

Chiropractic adjustments will benefit a patient’s posture by reinforcing correct spinal alignment. After several treatments, good posture will not be something that a patient must force themselves to carry out, but rather it becomes habitual.

Like any bad habit, it’s about breaking the routine and “relearning” the correct way. Chiropractic adjustments help your mind and body to create good posture habits and remove the bad ones. 

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Relieve Stress

Stress is a big problem in the United States and worldwide these days. Stress plays havoc with our body’s systems, as mental health is the catalyst for how the rest of our body is feeling/operates. Someone who is stressed continuously will suffer from a plethora of issues, including muscle tension, lack of sleep, lack of energy, lack of focus, headaches, migraine, neck aches, and back pain, to name a few. 

Chiropractic adjustments help restore your spine to full functionality – this helps to ease up muscle tension created by stress and enable more comfortable/better mobility. 

A chiropractic adjustment also improves blood circulation throughout the body and spinal column. This helps nutrients disperse throughout the nervous system, which in turn soothes the “flight or fight” response in the body. 

When the body is under constant stress, our primal instincts have the flight or fight response always activated, which is not suitable for mental or physical long-term health. This instinctual response was helpful to humans when we used to hunt or forage through dangerous environments for food, but it’s not helpful when we’re stuck in traffic or bogged down by emails. 

More Than Back Pain Relief 

Stress relief is truly a remarkably valuable chiropractic adjustment benefit. We like to teach patients new to chiropractic treatments that it’s not just about treating the immediate/affected area of pain, but also set the body’s various systems up for ongoing success. 

Contact us today with any questions or to book an appointment!